Tron DF 56

Tron DF 56

PSTN V.90 Modem Professional V.90 RS-232 serial host modem with internal 220 V power supply (110 Volt US optional) for connections up to 56 Kbps. Supports leased line, Caller ID (Netherlands), Auto Dial Back (100 numbers & passwords memory), Remote Configuration


  • Industrial Desktop PSTN V.90 modem (Allied Data)


  • Housing: External modem with standard RS-232 serial interface
  • Power Supply: Internal 220 V power supply with connection to mains through Euro connector (optional 110 V for US)
  • Engine:
    Suitable for fax, telebanking and industrial applicationsLinespeed up to 56K (V.90)
    Auto Dial Back I and II (memory for 100 Auto Dial Back numbers & passwords)
    LEDs for status indication
    Programmable Softkey
    2-wire Leased line and dial-up (PSTN) supported.
    Command sets: Extended AT command set including AT+F-fax commands : Class 1 and Class 2 fax commands
    Data formats: Data: 7 or 8 bits - Parity: odd, even, space, mark of none - Stop bits: 1 or 2
    Automatic baud detection from 300 to 230.400 Bps
    CLI detection according to T11-12
    Full speed interspeeder with Xon/Xoff and/or CTS/RTS flow control
    Transparent direct mode (11 bits)
    Access protection by automatic dialback or access code control (memeory for 100 telephone numbers and passwords)
    Listening on built-in loudspeaker, volume adjustable
    Full diagnosis (V54) with local and remote test loops
    Non-volatile memory for 4 telephone numbers
    Two user settings
    Remote Configuration
    Drivers: Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP/Macintosh OS7-OS9.2/Linux/Citrix
  • Interfaces & Connectors:
    serial port CCITT RS-232C (V24), 300-230.400 Bps
    Asynchronous and synchronous mode
  • Communication Protocols:
    CCITT V21, V22 A/B, V22bis, V23(HDX optional), V32, V32bis, V34, V90, K56Flex, Bell212A, Bell 103.
    Error correction: V42 LAPM, MNP2-4, and MNP10
    Data compression: V42bis and MNP5
    Fax: CCITT V17, V29, V27ter and V21 channel 2 : AT+F-fax commands : Class 1 and Class 2 fax commands
  • Certification: CE

Additional Info

The DF is a high-quality modem with internal 220 V power supply with connection to mains through Euro connector. Optional the modem comes with 110 Volt power supply for the US. The modem is designed for trade and industry. The TRON DF56.0 is a V.90 analogue modem with line speed up to 56Kbps. This professional external modem also offers leased line support, Caller-ID (in the Netherlands), auto-dial-back (including 100 numbers & passwords memory) and Remote Configuration. Companies can rely on security with the fast remote connection with the TRON DF56.0. ART. CODE: TRO-DFTBE560-CNL (BE)


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