Additional Info
The development of PSTN Socket Modems and other embedded modem applications is always been one of the most important activities of Bausch Datacom and its engineering company Delta Design.
The PSTN Socket Modules that we design and produce are based, amongst others, on Conexant Technology and Silicon Labs Technology.
The Bausch SMD24XX Socket Modules are based on Silicon Labs Technology. They are ideal for embedded modem applications since they offer very low operating power requirements, a small board space and a worldwide compliance. The devices are available in 6 different versions, ranging from V.92 down to V.22bis (56k to 2.4k). Each version is available with in a 5V version and a 3V3 version.
The SMD2493-3V3 Module is a V92 (56K) communication-ready device with in a 3V3 version that integrates data/fax functionality into a very space-efficient, embedded modem design (64,5 x 26,5 mm). It allows you to reduce time to market by embedding a ready to use solution in all kind of devices that need to communicate such as embedded control systems, copiers, set-top boxes, security systems, point-of-sale verification systems, industrial and medical monitoring systems, power meters, remote monitoring, email terminals etc…
The SMD2493-3V3 is a complete Socket Modem with integrated direct access arrangement (DAA) that provides a programmable line interface to meet global telephone line requirements.
It includes full type I and type II caller ID detection and decoding for global standards. Call progress is supported through echoing result codes and is also programmable to meet global settings. Because the SMD2493-3V3 modem module integrates the DAA, analog features, such as parallel phone detect, over current detection, and global PTT compliance with a single design, are included.
The SIA alarm protocol is implemented only in the SMD2401 version (V.22bis).
Samples of the SMD2493-3V3 Socket Modem are available on simple request !
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